Elton's big deal

Cloud handle was in charge of Elton.
He was now officially known as Elton.
Halfboy was the only one calling him Halfbo.
Elton never responded.

Cloud handle was trying his best to get Elton a girlfriend.
He even styled a tuft for him.
Halfboy thought he looked dumb and gay at the same time.
He felt sad for Elton, as he watched him practice his moves with a toaster.
The toaster dint move.


  1. what do you mean the toaster didnt move...

  2. I find this so delightfully ambiguous! Im always trying to figure out if there is a hidden meaning behind these characters and this plot - and Im pretty sure there is! Maybe this is how you 'templatise' people. Hmmm... :)

  3. Its a toaster. it cant dance.

  4. yeah he didn't move. he's warming up inside. and then he'll pop a surprise when you least expect it :) no? no?

  5. hahhahaha!, damn you doss now i'll have to add another character thanks to your comment.

    Its official people "The toaster will now be the official oracle of the strip"

    Want to know anything? Just push the slider, and who knws there may be something the toaster wants to tell you about.

    keep coming!!


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