Walk the dog a dozen.

Cloud handle cried all day.
The previous night's altercation was too raw.

He tore up his kite too.

Halfboy had taken his new dog for a walk.

He was going out for too many walks, thought Cloud handle.
His dog, well Elton looked beat up after walk number 12.

Halfboy was stupid, so was his dog.
actually come to think of it, it looked more like a toaster than a dog.

Cloud handle checked his nails, one of them had chipped.
Damn! damn!


  1. so cute! loved the part about flying kites!! Was holding my belly and laughing. KP uou should dedicate a separate blog to this series. Its so innocent, tender and funny all at the same time!

  2. :) even if it means you are my singular consumer for this blog i will try and keep it going.

    thanks for the nice words.

  3. Ha ha ha ... go fly a kite. Good one.
    I beg to differ on your perception that halfboy has only a solitary consumer. :)


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