Its true! iam talentless.

Yeah i agree I am a talentless catfish. I can sidle around on my stomach, not necessarily something a catfish would write home about. but that's as far as i can claim the solitary skill i have.

Being a reader of P.G Wodehouse during my formative years, i realised rather quickly that i would need to write like P.G or never write at all. Which led to that famous walk i had along some heavily book laden streets of Bangalore, trying to spot any of the books i had written. I was shocked not to find even a single book, report, or even an essay. Why i wondered? I have never written anything in my life. I feel writing is like a river, it meanders along and if you don't describe all the scenery you see, or the sounds you hear along its banks, you will never be able to lean back and enjoy the moment,many years after you've described your lazy afternoon by the riverside. If i had to write and the piece i was writing had a river in it. I'd call it a large volume of water from point A to point B. If you want to be a great writer, you need to be able to move along the bank and also describe how certain catfish had great skills of sidling along the muddy banks.(yeah that was me showing off on another plane of thought) What you need to do is you need to keep the reader moving, keep in mind what you write today leaves all signs of context, clarity and cause, the moment a couple of leaves from the monthly calendar get ripped off. I have never managed to write anything that i can look up in a few years time and smile, chuckle or enjoy all over again. My writing is as topical as the 9 O'clock news. Actually on second thoughts i must say i prefer going back to the 9 O'clock news a few years old and enjoying it. Summarily i must agree i don't enjoy my writing as much that it causes me to pen down a book. I like to blog though, its like a more casual approach to writing, halfway nearly convincing me that i can get away with it and if i didn't, nobody will ever know.

till then watch me sidle. sidle sidle sidle.


  1. u just wrote a whole lot about nothing in particular. u are a writer kp!

  2. and you made me read every word!

  3. thanks doss,
    i hope you do know you're encouraging me to write more of this crap.

    now i will..hehaaa haarrghh(evil laugh)

  4. I really hope that you take up writing seriously. this is good writing. its only attach a topic to it.
    super stuff machaan


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